If you’ve been charged with a crime, you may be feeling overwhelmed. You’ll need help to survive the process with your reputation and your future intact. In order to get the legal guidance and assistance you will need, you’ll need to work with a criminal defense attorney. A good criminal attorney can take the circumstances of your case and help you to get the best possible outcome based on the charges.
Your defense team will take the information you give them and investigate the crime, including finding witnesses who can testify on your behalf. Your lawyer may recommend some things you can do to reduce the severity of the sentence you may receive when you go to court. For example, if you have taken drug or alcohol mitigation courses, the judge may look favorably at that effort.
According to Zippia, defense attorney responsibilities include educating you about the laws applying to the crimes you’ve been charged with. Before going to court, your attorney will explain how the judge and jury will scrutinize the prosecutor and defendant’s interaction. You’ll typically be questioned first by your lawyer and prosecutor questions will follow those questions.

Are you or a loved one facing criminal charges for an “actus reus” (meaning act of guilt) that you did not commit? If so, you will want to secure the services of a criminal defense lawyer who has ample experience in these kinds of cases. While civil law relies more on the reconciliation of disagreements between two or more parties or the financial reimbursement of victims, criminal law firms deal with issues of punishment.
Though criminal law is in place to protect citizens from being wronged physically, morally, or psychologically, in order for justice to be meted out appropriately, the crime must be proven in court. This is where a quality crime defense attorney comes in.
Whether the offense in question is theft, murder–the only crime that does not become more prevalent when the moon is full, actually–or any other crime, the best criminal justice lawyers will be able to make a strong case against the proposed veracity of the charges. The lawyer you choose must be well-versed in all the protocols and procedures involved in criminal proceedings, from arraignment hearings to sentencing.
If you have further questions, comments, or tips regarding how to find a criminal defense lawyer, be sure to make your thoughts known in the section below. Read more about this topic at this link.