Many of the residents who live in Florida are over the age of 65. By 2030, the percentage of Floridians age 65 or older is going to be about 27 percent . Many of these residents will also be veterans. Veterans lawyers are available to help vets get the VA benefits they need. Social Security lawyers are there to help everyone else when they get older enough to collect social security. Veterans lawyers also help out when vets are hospitalized and need legal representation for their benefits. The average out of pocket care expense for someone who is a senior citizen is about $4,605. That is three times higher than the rest of the population.
The AARP says that 5.6 million people in Florida are receiving $51.3 billion in Social security benefits. At least that was in 2011. It is probably higher now. Social Security attorneys help people get benefits when they are disabled too. If you are disabled go and see a Social security disability attorney. If you are a veteran who is disabled, you’ll need to go to get help from veterans lawyers.
Veterans lawyers are helping vets who are living under the poverty level. IN fact, nearly 300,000 people in Florida are living at the poverty line or just below. Veterans lawyers represent older veterans who need help with VA claims. As of January 2013, 56 million Americans who get Social Security payments each month saw an increase of an average of $19 a month more. Though this is a small increase, every little bit helps. Talk to your Social Security disability lawyer for more information on SSI. More.