Timeshare ownership in the United States is all too common, to say the least. From those who have just bought a timeshare to those who are looking to get out of one, it’s been estimated that nearly five percent of all households here in the United States (just about three percent, if you’re looking to be more exact) own some type of timeshare, with the average timeshare owner at the age of just over forty six, nearly forty seven years of age, though many older people also become victims to the timeshare scheme. There are even more people – about seven percent of the entire population of the United States – who own other but very similar types of shared vacation properties that might not technically be called timeshares but have been found to operate in many of the same or similar ways. In total, it is estimated that there are more than nine million people that own such properties and timeshares all throughout the United States – and many people are not happy about this at all.
Regardless of this fact, there’s no doubt about that here in the timeshare industry is thriving, particularly in warn areas of the country where people like to take vacations, such as in the state of Florida (in fact, as many as one fourth of all timeshares in existence in the United States have been built up in Florida, particularly on the beaches of the Florida coast, a common destination for American senior citizens looking to escape the cold winter climates of elsewhere in the country). Currently, there are more than one thousand and five hundred and forty timeshare resorts scattered throughout the country, leading the timeshare industry to much monetary success. In fact, it is even now valued at a total market worth of seventy billion dollars, a number that has risen up over the years and is only likely to keep increasing in the years that are to come.
It’s easy to see why the allure of the timeshare is so strong and why people get roped into buying one without meaning to. After all, timeshares promise a great deal of rest and relaxation – and promise that you’ll be able to do so without going broke. If you share a timeshare with someone else and only pay to use it when you use it, that’s saving money by anyone’s standards. And a brand new timeshare is only estimated to be sold at just over twenty thousand dollars. Compared to simply purchasing a property, this is only a mere fraction of what you would have ended up paying.
But timeshares are insidious, and there is more to them that meets the eye – as any timeshare attorney specializing in timeshare cancellation can more than tell you. When you look at a timeshare cost calculator, you can’t just simply look at the selling price of the timeshare. You must also look at the maintenance fees. These maintenance fees are where timeshare owners end up losing much of their money, and for sixty six percent of all said owners, this is the main reason that they want to cancel and sell their timeshares, along with the fifty six percent of foreclosed timeshares that have gone through the process of foreclosure simply because their prior owners could not meet the deadlines for paying said maintenance fees.
But getting out of a timeshare contract can be difficult and it is important to know the Florida contract cancellation rights when you are in the process of doing so. Florida contract cancellation rights are not necessarily well known, however. Fortunately, a timeshare lawyer can help owners to understand their Florida contract cancellation rights fully and put these Florida contract cancellation rights into action. Aside from reviewing Florida contract cancellation rights, timeshare lawyers can help to provide support all throughout this process. Florida contract cancellation rights are certainly important, but they are not the only part of the process of cancelling a timeshare. If you own a timeshare but want out, contacting a timeshare attorney or timeshare lawyer is a good place to first start.