At last.
And while there are many families who are looking forward to some great vacations during these three months of summer, there are others who find themselves stuck in a timeshare contract that they regret. From people who caved during a high pressure sales pitch on a free weekend trip to families who have had a major change in their financial situation, timeshare lawyers can sometimes be of help. Although there is no way out of some of the timeshare contracts that some people sign, there are lawyers who can help you explore if you have any available options when it comes to getting out of an expensive timeshare that you no longer want to be a part of.
From a warranty deed in lieu of foreclosure to taking advantage of a brief timeshare rescission period, knowing how to get rid of timeshare legally can be a rather confusing process. For this reason, it is likely in your best interest to make sure that you have exhausted all possibilities when it gets comes to a costly timeshare that you can no longer afford.
If you find yourself stuck in a timeshare contract that you cannot afford, or one that is preventing you from getting to spend your vacations the way that you want, you owe it to yourself to see if you have any available options.
Consider some of these reasons why families may find themselves wanting to get out of a timeshare agreement:
- Financial Issues. The most common reason that many families want to find a way out of their timeshare purchases is that these payments are no longer affordable. Although the average price of a new timeshare at $20,040 may not initially seem very expensive to some, the fact of the matter is if your money is tied up in various other pursuits like paying for your children’s college education, a timeshare payment can be prohibitive.
- Change in Family Dynamics. Divorces can cause a lot of financial strain. For many families, when a marriage ends, vacation properties can become especially challenging. Working with an attorney to see if you have an option for a warranty deed in lieu of foreclosure or other options can help you more successfully make your way through a difficult transition.
- Relocation or Community Changes. Location matters and if you no longer live in a place that provides affordable and convenient access to your timeshare you may find that you are never able to use your investment. As many as 25% of U.S. timeshares are located in Florida, and if you find it too time consuming or expensive to get to Florida after a recent job change you might be looking for a legal loophole.
In some cases, a lawyer may help you find out if you have an option for a warranty deed in lieu of foreclosure or other legal options for getting out of a timeshare. Don’t you owe it to yourself to see if this can be a summer that you are actually looking forward to?