In this YouTube video, John L. Roberts shares the five things social security disability lawyers do to help the Social Security Administration process social security claims.
The Social Security Administration needs to learn about a claimant’s pain levels, work history, medical history, and lifestyle.
Claimants will provide written and oral testimony as to their condition.
Forms are filled out online. This information is then examined against the Administration’s five-step testing. A person can be declined social security benefits at various stages in the process.
If a person is working, it’s measured against means-testing and or definitions under gainful activity criteria. If a person’s condition is severe, it must be expected to last at least 12 months from the time the claim is filed. Impairments are then compared to a list of approved impairments. Other conditions are also reviewed. Medical records are scrutinized to support these claims.
If a claimant’s limiting condition prevents them from doing any job they’ve had over the past 15 years, a claim might be denied. If a claimant can do any other type of work, claims could be rejected.
Social security disability lawyers appear in hearings with you or on your behalf and help explain how impairments affect a person’s ability to work effectively.