Slip and Fall Accidents: a Person Injury Nightmare (Part 1)

fall accidentsSome of the most common ways people injure themselves on the job are through slip and fall accidents. As the name might imply, these accidents cover any time an employ slips, trips, or falls during the course of their work.

What might not be as obvious from the name, however, is how serious these accidents can be. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), an estimated 17,000 people die each year as the direct result of these accidents. And these figure’s don’t include those who suffer injuries that can last years, or even a lifetime.

In this two part blog series, we will help you understand the seriousness of these injuries and how they occur. We will also examine steps you can take to prevent a slip and fall accident, as well as what to do if you experience one.

What Causes Slip and Fall Accidents?
There are a number of different reasons why slip and falls occur, but in order for a lawsuit to be appropriate, there needs to be a demonstrable environmental factor that contributed to the accident. Common environmental causes include torn carpet, broken steps, wet floors, or clutter, especially in poorly lit rooms.

What Sort Of Injuries Result from Slip and Fall Accidents?
One of the most serious injuries that occur as the result of a slip and fall accident are fractures, which occur in 5% of all falls. Additionally, falls are the leading cause of traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) occur. TBIs result when there is damage to the brain, such as swelling, from a sudden and violent accident. These injuries are particularly common among children up to age four and adults over 75 years old.

Fortunately, not all slip and falls result in serious injury. In fact, they are not the considered a leading cause of work related deaths. They are, however, commonly responsible for injury related absences, accounting for 85% of all worker’s compensation claims.

When Should You Pursue Legal Action for a Slip and Fall Accidents?
Only a personal injury lawyer can tell you whether or not your case constitutes a lawsuit, but there are some factors that can give you a clue. One of the most important factors is if there is a form of negligence that leads to the injury.

If, for instance, the property owner was aware of the hazard but made no efforts to prevent harm and fix the issue, then there is the possibility that they will be considered liable. Still, the injured party must be able to prove that there was no way they could know about the potential hazards when they entered the property.

That concludes the first portion of our two part series on slip and fall accidents and injuries. In the second part, we will be outlining ways employers can protect themselves from such accidents.

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